Songs Samples
The E E Cummings Collection (10 Songs)
Song Sample
Album Songlist
1. Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town (Song 8 Vol 3)
2. I Carry Your Heart (Song 10 Vol 3)
3. In Time of Daffodils (Song 8 Vol 9)
4. Little Tree Little Silent Christmas Tree (Song 4 Vol 10)
5. Love Is More (Song 9 Volume 9)
6. Maggie and Milly and Molly and May (Song 6 Volume 10)
7. It May Not Always Be So (Song 5 Volume 10)
8. O by the by (Song 6 Volume 8)
9. These Children Singing in Stone (Song 9 Volume 3)
10. When Faces Called Flowers (Song 7 Volume 8)