About Anne Seagull

Hello Everyone! Maybe looking for new melodies and song-themes that transcend time and are enjoyable?
The Anne Seagull Songbook with matching albums has 101 original universal songs suitable for a huge variety of performers. You choose your own style and adapt the songs to suit your genre! Feel free to enjoy developing your own accompaniment on your choice of instruments - from acoustic guitar to bands, orchestra, steel band, brass band. choirs, solo, a capella. (Copyright applies)
The songs are in order of the 10 albums that go with the songbook - Volumes 1-10. So you can always check out the song on the album for musical details. All songs on the albums are sung and performed by the songwriter, accompanied by her small Yamaha keyboard (named Yamahal).
There are pretty melodies, clear structures, picturesque images (good for videos and cartoons) and life-romantic themes - love and romance, trust, friendship, betrayal, hope, loss and comfort, fantasy, circus clown, campfire story, the sea, momma, our ancestors, brotherhood and sisterhood, animals, truth, nostalgia, fickleness, deja vu, moving on, reconciliation, gender, God, the people's song, peace songs, memory, cars, humanity, equality, more love - with some drum-rolling progress themes for a new millennium!
These are your songs, for all time, for the best time, for everyone, forever!
Anne Seagull
PS. I enjoy performing my songs - with well-received performances, based in London so far - eg at the Purple Turtle, Hope & Anchor, the White Horse, the (now renamed) Bartok Bar amongst other places and via a high school ensemble. Whilst seeking further publishing and international sponsorship as a singer-songwriter, my songs are especially for other performers to bring alive in their unique and beautiful way - with some humanity-theme songs ideal for parades and public events.
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